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- How does a solar pool heating system heat my pool?
- How does a solar pool heating system save me money?

- When can I use my solar pool heating system?

- Is there any maintenance involved with solar pool heating systems?
- Does solar pool heating systems work in all climates?
- Does solar pool heating systems work when it is cloudy outside?
- Does my pool pump need to be on?
- Can a solar pool heating system be used with my existing pool heater?
- Can I install a solar pool heating system myself?
- Can I use the solar pool heating system to heat the water I use in my house?
- Can I use a domestic hot water solar system to heat my pool water?
- Can I use a metal solar collector to heat my pool?
- How is a solar pool heating system different from a solar pool blanket?
- Does the solar pool heating system produce electricity?


How does a solar pool heating system heat my pool?

The solar pool heating system uses the sun's energy to heat your pool. The sun's heat is transferred into your pool by circulating pool water through the solar panel. In most cases, the pool's existing pump is used to circulate the pool water through the panels. The water is continually circulated through the solar panels until the pool has attained the desired temperature.

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- How does a solar pool heating system save me money?

Owning a solar pool heating system means drastically reducing or even eliminating expensive pool heating utility bills. Year after year, the savings continue while you extend your swimming season. A solar pool heating system is the most economical way to heat your pool. Zero operating costs, virtually no maintenance and the longest and most comprehensive warranty ensures the savings will continue for decades to come.

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- When can I use my solar pool heating system?

Solar heating systems are designed to heat your swimming pool using free heat from the sun. The system should be in operation during the daytime when solar radiation can be absorbed. A system equipped with an automatic controller turns on and off effortlessly whenever there is sufficient solar energy.

In some regions, the use of a solar pool heating system can lengthen your swim season to 12 months, while in other regions, the system can drastically extend your swim season. Regardless of geographic region, you will enjoy months of additional fun in the pool without the added expenses associated with other fossil fuel heaters.

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Is there any maintenance involved with solar pool heating systems?

A properly installed solar pool heating system should require very little, or no, maintenance. Check your solar heating system for proper operation at the beginning of each swimming season, particularly if it has an automatic controller.

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- Does solar pool heating systems work in all climates?

Solar pool heating systems are currently heating pools in all weather conditions around the world. This systems provide year-round pool heating in warm climates and extend the swimming season in colder climates.

The patented individual tube design and mounting hardware can sustain 180 mph winds and are guaranteed with the most comprehensive warranty of any heater available.

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- Does solar pool heating systems work when it is cloudy outside?

As long as it is daytime, the solar pool heating system absorbs solar radiation. Any solar radiation absorbed by the system is then transferred into the pool water. Therefore, even in cloudy conditions, the system will heat your pool. It is important to note that increasing the number of solar panels in your system will help absorb more heat. As with any heater, using a pool blanket is advisable, as it will reduce heat loss.

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Does my pool pump need to be on?

Yes, the solar pool heating system works by circulating water through the solar panels using your existing pool pump. Therefore, your pump must be in operation for sufficient water to flow through the solar panels.

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- Can a solar pool heating system be used with my existing pool heater?

Some of our customers choose to use their solar pool heating system in conjunction with an existing pool heater. The solar pool heating system is designed to serve as the primary heat source for your pool water, while your existing pool heater serves as an auxiliary, or backup, heater. By using a solar heating system as your primary heat source, you can lengthen the life of your existing pool heater while minimizing the utility bills associated with heating your pool.

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Can I install a solar pool heating system myself?

Our system's solar collectors can be mounted on roofs or any area near the pool that provides the proper exposure, orientation and tilt toward the sun. Ideally, solar collectors should face south. However, an orientation up to 45 degrees east or west of due south will not significantly decrease performance as long as shading is avoided. Heliocol systems can also be installed on the ground or on racks.

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Can I use a solar pool heating system to heat the water I use in my house?

While our solar collectors are used around the world for heating swimming pool water, they are also used in many warm-climate countries to heat water for home use. Since solar pool heating system collectors do not require glazing, insulation or metal components, they are much less expensive and lighter weight than other domestic hot water solar collectors. It is important to note however that this solar collectors are not suitable for use during freezing weather or in areas which mandate that only copper pipes carry potable water. Be sure to check your local plumbing codes to ensure that you are in compliance.

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Can I use a domestic hot water solar system to heat my pool water?

Our solar collectors are designed to heat large volumes of water (thousands of gallons) to relatively low temperatures (under 95 degrees Fahrenheit) by circulating the water at a relatively fast rate through the collectors. Domestic hot water systems raise a small volume of water (less than one hundred gallons) to very high temperatures (139 degrees Fahrenheit) by circulating the water slowly through the collector. These two different solar technologies are meant for different applications. A domestic hot water system cannot sufficiently heat a large body of water such as a pool to comfortable temperatures while a solar pool heating system cannot reach the very high temperatures needed for domestic use. In addition, domestic hot water systems are made of copper, which deteriorates quickly when in contact with the corrosive pool water. However, in some countries, solar pool heating systems are used to 'pre-heat' domestic hot water. Solar pool heating collectors do not require glazing or insulation making them much cheaper and lightweight then domestic hot water panels.

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Can I use a metal solar collector to heat my pool?

Metal collectors are generally made of copper tubing mounted on an aluminum plate. The disadvantages of metal collectors are that they are more susceptible to corrosion and freeze damage, and the copper tubes may react with your pool's chlorine if the pH level falls below 7.2.  An abundance of copper ions in pool water may form dark-colored precipitates, which can coat the pool's walls. Only draining, cleaning and repainting the pool can remove discoloration.

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How is a solar pool heating system different from a solar pool blanket?

The greatest loss of heat from a pool occurs from its surface due to evaporation. By reducing this evaporation loss, solar pool covers or blankets are very effective in lengthening the swimming season. However, it is important to note that there is a key difference between solar pool heating systems and solar pool blankets. A solar pool heating system adds heat to your pool while a pool blanket helps to maintain the heat that already exists in the pool water. When used together, your pool water can be heated and maintained at your desired temperatures most efficiently.

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- Does the solar pool heating system produce electricity?

No. solar pool collectors heat your swimming pool water by sending water through individual polypropylene tubes that transfer the sun's energy to your pool water directly. Our solar collectors are not designed to produce electricity.

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